I didn't realize how long it had been since I blogged last...I've just been enjoying everyone else's posts...it's really one of my favorite things to do in a day, to look at my dashboard and see what's new. And as I'm sitting here I still can only think about...Heather's office kitties, Desi's dreams, Ari dancing, Elizabeth coming to visit, Benjamin's morning words, Lindsey's pregnancy discomfort but beautiful spirit, Todd's chickies and a new way to make chili.

I realize, of course, it is a bit selfish to just fill myself with your news and thoughts and give nothing back, but the only things happening right now are medical things which, even if it were interesting to you, I don't think I would enjoy writing about it so much. So I will just offer this instead:
Eliduc was a knight who lived in Brittany with his faithful and intelligent wife, Guildeluec. Some other knights were jealous of Eliduc so they slandered him to the king, who promptly sent him away. Eliduc leaves his wife in charge of his lands, promises to be faithful to her, and sets off. He find a king in need of a brave knight to protect his kingdom, and Eliduc is the man for the job. It isn't long before the king's beautiful, young daughter, Guilliadon (yes, confusing I know) notices this capable and handsome knight and promptly falls in love with him - complete with sighs, fainting, and near-insanity. He is torn for a short while between loyalty to his wife and "love" of the princess , but in the end her long blonde hair, rose-red lips, and milky white skin are too much to resist and he gives his heart to Guilliadon. After only a short while with his new love Eliduc has to return to his country because his former king needs him. Guilliadon begs him to take her with him (as she knows nothing of a wife) but he convinces her to wait for him and he will return for her. Eliduc goes home to serve the first king, and his wife knows somethings up, but before she can figure out what - he leaves again with the intentions of running off with Guilliadon. While on the ship with his new lady-love there is a dangerous tempest. One of the soldiers blames Eliduc and tells him the storm is his fault because he is cheating on his dear, loyal wife (sound fishy, ha ha ha I crack myself up). Guilliadon overhears and falls to the deck, and Eliduc, in a rage, throws the perceptive sailor overboard ...
...to be continued
What adventures await our knight, Eliduc? Is the princess dead or merely taking a quick snooze? Will the loyal Guildeluec find out about the beautiful maid? Tune in next time for the exciting conclusion.

I'm riveted! I can't wait for the conclusion!!!
OH, seriously, Jodi!
I can't believe I'm on the tips of my toes in anticipation!
what a cad! that man is terrible! thank you for sharing the story. is this the one you are reading for your class? what an adventure. keep writing!
You can't just leave us hanging like that. Not for long anyway! I can't wait to read the next part! It does sound sightly familiar though.....
I hate that princess sooo much.... Everyone seems to be hating on the guy but that princess is so full of lust. Does she even know anything about the knight? A love like that can't last. *frown* this girl displeases me.
Please feed this girl to the sirens the first chance you get!
May I just say that I love you? Of course I can. :P