I finally read through the entire Bible...finished on Friday night. I had started this project a few times but never quite got through all the minor prophets. And now that it's over, what can I say? At times while I was slogging through some of those prophets...let me just name Zachariah for one....(what in the world was he talking about?!!?)...occasionally gems of beauty and insight would leap out of the page, but those moments were rather few and far between. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, reading the Bible is important but clicking off the chapters until you're finished is not. Some of those books are not meant to just be read but to be studied. So what have I learned? When reading the Bible, speed is not important, comprehension is. I'm sure all of you have just fallen to the floor, blown away by that insightful, pertinent and not-at-all obvious statement. Call me Captain Obvious, and read your Bible; read it slowly, look up the things you don't understand, and ask God to show himself to you through it's words. I will try to follow my own advise.
sometimes I have to stop and read something 5 or 6 times and then still don't get it, but then read it two years later and get an "AH HA" moment then. you do have to digest it and think about the words. I have never been able to learn anything from the bible on CD because it just goes through and out the other ear, but if I read at the same time I may learn something. the best way for me is to be in a group or with another person to talk about what I read. daily reading blog anyone? well that is my opinion even though you didn't ask.
...do I have to read it? -_-....I don't wanna!!! Read it to me Jodi, like a bed time story! yay! ^_^
I'm impressed! I have tried reading through the New testament several times and have never even accomplished that task... way to go! You're right though... sometimes I just don't get stuff. But then later God will reveal it to me. Sometimes I read it and didn't really get it and then later God will bring it to my mind in a relevant situation and I think... wow that's amazing! So sometimes, I think it IS good to just read it. But obviously you're usually right... studying is better.
I'm bad. When it gets ugly, or sad, or boring...I tend to skim. Not good, right? Kinda like half listening to God talk to you. I'm working on it.