I did something very uncharacteristic last night. There were dishes and laundry to wash, a bathroom to clean, carpet to be vaccumed, left-over unpacking from our trip down South, and a medieval romance to read for class today. I did none of it! Not a single thing. What did I do, I knitted a bootie. Yes "A" as in singular as in ONE bootie. I've been knitting now for an embarrasing amount of time with very little skill to show for it; I've not strayed from the ever-easy scarf. So, I decided I would knit some booties as my next step on the knitting ladder. I wanted to give them to a co-worker whose having a little boy soon. I picked out some beautiful dark blue yarn and found a pattern I was pretty sure I could handle. Well, it was a lovely little bootie but it was the size of a kittens paw...really tiny, I don't know what the person who made that pattern was thinking (because I followed it perfectly). ANYWAY, I found another pattern and decided to give it another go, and characteristically I would have stopped after about the first hour and the forth re-do, but I became absolutely obsessed and I finished it! It's a beautiful little bootie, despite the few obvious flaws. So, my co-workers baby shower was today, and I gave her the one bootie with a promise of another to come and she was very grateful :)
I am torn on how I feel about my actions. On one hand, I neglected chores and homework - causing not a little stress this morning. But, I finished it. It was something hard and I stuck through to the end, which (sorry to say) I rarely do...usually if I'm not pretty good at something in a rather short amount of time - I give up. So, HERE'S TO PERSEVERANCE AND DIRTY DISHES!
*Sniff* I'm so proud of you. Seriously, all these years are finally paying off. You're easing into impracticality and slackerism! *Wipe teary eyes*
Okay, so we all know I can't focus on a darn thing if my house isn't semi-perfect, but that's all my mother's fault. You're picking up on the true sanguine/phlegmatic within. ^__^
YAY, now you can teach me!!! They are so cute, but I still say you should make cat booties...just something to think about.
oh how did the shower go? My fear of her belly and what is under it kept me away (That and the fact that I wasn't invited...).
*sniffle* I'm so proud!
Oh yay! You're joining the ranks of all of us fine procrastinators!! Congrats!
btw - "procrastinate" was my first "big" word!
beautiful! I knew that you had it in you! I am so glad that you went for it. I am so proud. I wish I was there to experience the knitting adventure with you.