Since Friday my husband has washed the dishes twice (LOTS, nay MOUNTAINS of dishes), cleaned the bathroom, cleaned out the litter box every day (he says it makes him feel like he's taking care of our kittens, sweet), cooked 4 - maybe 5 meals (including a lentil soup that will know your socks off), mowed the yard, weeded some in the garden, installed a window air-conditioner (twice), changed the oil in the jeep (that's today), and hugged me every day without fail while telling me how much he loves me and what a good wife I am.
This is really not even the half of it - most importantly, he has held me together when my faith waivers - he has remained a strong spiritual (and emotional) leader and it makes me cry as I write this - thinking about how incredibly blessed I am to have him.
Father - thank you for my Jonathan. Teach me how to be a good wife for him. Amen.

...and when you cry, I cry. You know this! *Sniff* Seriously. Geesh. We are so blessed, aren't we?!
And Jonathan is soooo blessed to have you.
Now, I want to know how a lentil soup "knows" your socks off. I went back and forth between "knock" and "gnaw" and don't know which one's better, but I like the mystery.
Beans that KNOW you. ^_^
Ok. Not crying anymore.