I am at this moment staring up into the Italian Alps, and I don't know what to say. I wish I had the artistry in my mind and words to describe this place worthily. I do not, so I will not try. I am in a valley surrounded by mountains - some snowcapped. They look so close - like I could just start walking and reach them within a few hours - a delusion I'm sure. Did I mentioned we are surrounded, I think I did - I guess that's the nature of a valley huh? It was upon these mountains that so many gave up their lives for thier faith - the Waldensians - and inside this conference center (so beautifully designed to be simple, rustic and comfortable) men are still fighting for their faith, but in a very different way. Scientists and Theologians struggle with the voices inside their heads, and I am grateful that I have no difficulty believing exactly what is revealed to me through the word of God. I am so grateful to look outside and see these majestic mountains and know that the same God who created them also takes care of me and loves me - such power, such power reigned in for me and displayed for me.

incredible... I hope you're having fun out there! Keep posting about your trip... I want to hear all about it!
Beautiful!! I think we should all move to Italy!
I'm unbelievably happy that you are there-feeling incredibly small and protected. I love it!
I can't wait to see you NEXT month! xoxxoxoxoxooxoox
My first view of the Alps is among my favorite memories. We had taken a night train from France to Switzerland, and I will never forget waking to a full moon as it beamed down upon the tall, shadowy mountains. I honestly felt as if I'd never seen anything so glorious. I feel that way, still.
your pictures are exquisite. thank you for letting me live vicariously through you.