I have a very difficult time turning things off in my head. The best description of this I've ever heard comes from a marriage book called "What Women Want". The author describes a woman's brain in terms of a computer. This is pretty good. I have things that are constantly running in the background, which generally includes the happiness and wellbeing of those in my sphere. And then I have other programs and "windows" that are in use - planning for a vacation, planting a garden, baby shower gift buying which makes me think about babies and how I will be an old woman before I have any, and the conversation with my husband at lunch, what I'm going to make for lunch tomorrow, what am I going to make for potluck, do we have money for groceries this week.......it really goes on and on from there. At this moment there are at least - AT LEAST - 10 windows open in my brain. Usually its o.k. because I can handle a lot at one time, but sometimes it becomes too much and I get very overwhelmed. It's not pretty. Fortunately, God gave me a wonderful husband who helps me through these times. He sits down with me and helps me close the windows one at a time until all is managable again. It's really quite wonderful, and I am so grateful.
sometimes all those things just won't shut off when I try to go to sleep. My "secretary" needs to take a vacation more often. why do we have to have all of that stuff going on at once?
did you watch the "laugh your way to a better marriage" dvds? gungor uses the analogy of men having boxes that they open one at a time and women just connect everything all of the time. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing it spins around and around.