I have had a strange blog-block for a while; almost a phobia. Weird. Anyway, here's a few things going on in my life:
* My dear Lindsey is gone. When you live in a university-sphere, you come to expect lots of good-byes, and while they are sad - you learn an incredible about about life from each of the people you meet. Besides knitting, I learned about being an incredible wife and beautiful mother from Lindsey. She is always her husband's biggest fan and I've never heard her gain sympathy from her friends at his expense. They are a great team. And I got to watch her become a mother - with a quiet and peaceful contentment. She was amazing to watch, despite the discomforts of pregnancy and despite giving birth and despite the exhaustion of having a newborn; I never heard her complain. Not once. Thank-you Lindsey for all the lessons you didn't know you were giving.
* I finished my Medieval Romance class. I was glad to have the paper all done, but so sad the class is over. I enjoyed it so much. Ah well, on to the next one!
* My garden is growing, growing, growing. Soon it will be safe to put these sweet little sprigs of green in the ground...so they can grow to their hearts content. I never thought I would enjoy gardening, and in all actuality I haven't done any of the hard stuff yet, but I never thought I would enjoy cool soil so much....
* I have tulips growing in my backyard! These I didn't not plant - they just happened. I really have no more to say about them, but for some reason this seems like an important part of my life right now. I cut a few yellow and red ones the other day and put them in a vase in my living room - I just stared at them all evening, I couldn't take my eyes off them, it was lovely.
* I am leaving for England and Italy in 23 days! I am very excited, but I feel a strange maniac need to get new clothes for myself and my husband. I hate shopping, and we haven't bought new clothes in a long time, but for some reason it feels very important.
* and finally, I still want a baby. The longing is always there now. It used to come in go in waves and now I always feel it...the waves are just stronger longings. Life is so funny, I spent all that time and energy in school .... am still spending it, and I want to teach still, but I would give it up in a second if I could have a baby now - no questions asked.
Have a beautiful Monday my friends.
I love the tulips! I always felt that way about flowers in the Michigan spring. I could just stare at them, shell-shocked and grateful.
I so appreciated reading all these little snippets of your heart. I cracked up at the bit about new clothes. Isn't that need so all consuming at times? It's the matron in you. =)
I want you to have a baby, too.
Jodi I'm so touched! Thank you for your words... they mean a lot to me...
I wish I could see your garden and enjoy it with you. And I'm so excited for your trip to England and Italy! How exciting!!! You should at least go get yourself one outfit that makes you feel confident and bold. :)
And I'm with Harmony... I want you to have a baby too...
Listen. Personal growth, friendship and tulips are wonderful. England and Italy and clothes. All of it is perfectly fine, but this baby thing? Oy vey! I just don't know what to do with you. :P
England and Italy?! Awesome! I'm definately a tiny bit envious.
I still think you should get a puppy to help with the babyfever. . .but that may just be me.
23 days!! Really!! Gyaah...what shall I do...
Don't worry Jodi dear, I see it in Jonathan's eyes!! He is starting to want that baby as well! Just keep bringing him around pregant people! It'll work!