Zari: (singing) look at me in the wittle red ragon, look at me in the wittle red ragon, look at me in the wittle red ragon, ah it's so much fun.
Jonathan: o.k. I've got it - like this - (he sings it the same as she - with some minor modifications)
Zari: I need to look at my Bible to see if your right or wrong. (she gets her Bible - and turns to what I assume was the appropriate passage, and determines) Nope. Your Wrong.
Jonathan then laments his situation - which elicits many giggles. Jonathan then attempts to do it "correctly" a few times (she listens very intently) - each time she diligently searches the scriptures and declares he is wrong.
Just before she leaves he asks her - what else is in your Bible? - she declares "Get thee to thy house in the rock!"
*He did eventually get a correct from Zari's Bible which was a real relief*

This is a moment of suspense before the verdict is given.
Boy, this cracked me up. At least he doesn't have to get thee to a house in the sand...