Zari: (singing) look at me in the wittle red ragon, look at me in the wittle red ragon, look at me in the wittle red ragon, ah it's so much fun.
Jonathan: o.k. I've got it - like this - (he sings it the same as she - with some minor modifications)
Zari: I need to look at my Bible to see if your right or wrong. (she gets her Bible - and turns to what I assume was the appropriate passage, and determines) Nope. Your Wrong.
Jonathan then laments his situation - which elicits many giggles. Jonathan then attempts to do it "correctly" a few times (she listens very intently) - each time she diligently searches the scriptures and declares he is wrong.
Just before she leaves he asks her - what else is in your Bible? - she declares "Get thee to thy house in the rock!"
*He did eventually get a correct from Zari's Bible which was a real relief*

This is a moment of suspense before the verdict is given.
Well my blogging friends - if there are any of you left - I am here. Feeding my soul on your words while trying to sort out my own. But I believe I am ready again, ready to share my life, ready to mingle my own experiences with all of yours.
I have been adjusting things lately, rearranging thoughts, feelings, blog templates - trying to piece things together in a way that makes me relax and breathe. And I have been growing up - I feel more like a grown-up now that I ever have before. I can feel the old, nagging unimportant things that crowd my brain dropping be replaced with huge things, important things. Perhaps this child growing inside me is pushing the old out, leaving only room for the worthy.
More and more I feel the need for healing - real deep soul-scrubbing healing. Who knew all the darkness that is lurking in my heart? I certainly didn't, but I see it now and all I want is for that Light of the World to shine into the recesses and scatter all the shadows. You see, I feel like, all those shadows are taking up space that is meant to be for other people - a person needs a lot of soul-space to love. As I've been reading the Word I have found that God loves to heal, so I imbibe these promises and watch the darkness recede.
Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. Isaiah 58:8