The mall is such a strange place. So many things under one roof - teeth whitening, haircuts, pretzels, bungie-jumping. These pictures are how it feels to me - blurry, out-of-focus (they are actually this way because I was trying to snap them covertly). It even sounds blurry, no distint sounds - just echoy noise. When I walk out of a mall I always feel a little like I have been released from a dungeon. I don't like options and the mall is all about options, all about defining yourself with the stores you visit. I still, at 27, don't feel cool enough to walk in Abercrombie and Fitch. Oh dear, that makes me laugh now that I think about it.
Last week was my 2 year wedding anniversary. We went to Amish Country in Indiana, we relaxed and talked and daydreamed about what it would be like to live in the country with our own brood - making our own everything and having a horse (Jonathan felt that was appropriate for real country living). We took a carriage ride into a farm and toured around. Everyone was so kind and pleasant. It was a little weird taking a day trip into these people's lives and we debated whether they just did it for the money, or if they had a bigger purpose. While they do not openly evangelize - they do show people another way to live - they give city folks a look into a simpler time, and I think that is a ministry in itself. I've always felt within me that people just need room to breath - room for their souls to expand.

J. left yesterday. I am mourning. It may seem a little dramatic, but mourning is simply sorrowing for a loss. And it is a loss, and my soul aches. I feel as if my heart flew over the ocean without me - how can you survive without your heart for a whole month? I want to withdraw, I don't want to see anyone - I want to stay in my little apartment, in the dark and simply wait for my heart to return. The comfort we spontaniously gave over the last couple days comes back to me now - "a month isn't that long, think how fast last month went by" - "you'll be so busy ministering you won't have a chance to miss me much" - "saying goodbye is the hardest part, after that it will be easier, I just need routine" - it's all empty words now, except for the real comfort he left me with through the Word. How did he know that was just what I needed to hear?
READ it - really read it.
O LORD, You have searched me and known me.
You know my sitting down and my rising up;
You understand my thought afar off.
You comprehend my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word on my tongue,
But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether.
You have hedged me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it.
Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
Even there Your hand shall lead me,
And Your right hand shall hold me.
If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,”
Even the night shall be light about me;
Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You,
But the night shines as the day;
The darkness and the light are both alike to You.
For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
O LORD, You have searched me and known me.
You know my sitting down and my rising up;
You understand my thought afar off.
You comprehend my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word on my tongue,
But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether.
You have hedged me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it.
Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
Even there Your hand shall lead me,
And Your right hand shall hold me.
If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,”
Even the night shall be light about me;
Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You,
But the night shines as the day;
The darkness and the light are both alike to You.
For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.
How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;
When I awake, I am still with You.
And that my soul knows very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.
How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;
When I awake, I am still with You.
Amazing. So, I will not mourn. I will ride along this month sitting in the palm of his right hand - holding onto his thumb, knowing that He understands and He knows ....and that is enough for me. And when I wake up every morning looking for my heart - I will know....He's there, holding me.
1. a little apartment, tucked away, a little piece of seclusion
2. toddler hugs
3. sisters
4. budgets
5. grocery lists
6. gas in my jeep
7. passionate words whispered in the dark
8. a husband who fills me up to the very brink
9. playing the piano
10. kneeling before God at the alter of his grace
11. the chance to start over every single day
12. watching the Holy Spirit move through the words of my husband
2. toddler hugs
3. sisters
4. budgets
5. grocery lists
6. gas in my jeep
7. passionate words whispered in the dark
8. a husband who fills me up to the very brink
9. playing the piano
10. kneeling before God at the alter of his grace
11. the chance to start over every single day
12. watching the Holy Spirit move through the words of my husband

I grew up in a family dominated by females. I actually had no idea how to relate to my husband as a man - I am still learning, somedays it seems like an uphill battle and I often loose - shaking my head in wonder at the end of a day, baffled by this man I married and totally unsure of how to proceed. But I am slowly coming to understand what it means to live with a man, he is not a woman - he is The Other - and I am intrigued and completely in love with him. But sometimes, like when my sisters visit, I can just let the female wash over me and I can feel myself relax a little - this I understand, I understand the unspoken needs more than the spoken. I understand as I am understood. And with sisters its a double blessing because not only do we share in the feminine, but we also share the DNA, the background. We just understand some things about each other that outsiders can't. And there isn't a constant need to question. It is like taking a deep breath of air to not have to explain myself - to be with people who understand that the groceries go onto the belt in a certain order; who know that if your ice is floating, you need more ice in your glass; who don't condem me for my love affair with barbeque chips and pickles; who know that sometimes you just change your mind, and the thing that seemed so exciting this morning may not be the same this afternoon; who know that sometimes what you say may not really be what you mean; we share facial features and the fear of change but the longing for freedom. No one else in the world has lived such a similar life to my own, and I think that is amazing.
So, here's to sisters. Here's to my sisters, I'm so glad you're mine.
I recently clothed and fed a homeless man. It revealed an infection in my soul.
Love your enemies...
Love your neighbor as yourself...
Whatever you did for the least of these brothers, you did for me...
Give to anyone who asks you...
Freely you have received, freely give...
I read these passages shake my wise head knowingly check, check, check, now let's move on to the hard stuff. Well, now I know. There is nothing harder. "Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me." Yes, Jesus, but while you were homeless and lived a life of poverty, it was different because you weren't in the city - the city that breaks people and kills their hearts - you weren't fighting an addiction to drugs, and I'm sure you didn't smell bad, did you? And you didn't take advantage of people - you would have bought the least expensive things.
Remember that post about Extravagant love? God showed me what this actually looks like - and I have wrestled with it for days. This oil of sin has corroded my heart -I am a terminal case - Dying of selfishness. I will not make it without the healing of Christ. The grace. Thank you for showing me this Lord - I might have lived another day thinking I was good enough on my own, I might not have sought your grace today - my only hope.
Love your enemies...
Love your neighbor as yourself...
Whatever you did for the least of these brothers, you did for me...
Give to anyone who asks you...
Freely you have received, freely give...
I read these passages shake my wise head knowingly check, check, check, now let's move on to the hard stuff. Well, now I know. There is nothing harder. "Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me." Yes, Jesus, but while you were homeless and lived a life of poverty, it was different because you weren't in the city - the city that breaks people and kills their hearts - you weren't fighting an addiction to drugs, and I'm sure you didn't smell bad, did you? And you didn't take advantage of people - you would have bought the least expensive things.
Remember that post about Extravagant love? God showed me what this actually looks like - and I have wrestled with it for days. This oil of sin has corroded my heart -I am a terminal case - Dying of selfishness. I will not make it without the healing of Christ. The grace. Thank you for showing me this Lord - I might have lived another day thinking I was good enough on my own, I might not have sought your grace today - my only hope.
I am currently reading Wild at Heart by John Eldredge. It's a book about helping men to understand their own hearts - their masculine hearts that God created. Jonathan just read it and he couldn't stop raving about it - so I figured if it spoke to him that much, I needed to read it. I'm only on page 42 now, but I'm really enjoying it. There's one particular paragraph I can't get out of my head. It actually has nothing to do with men, it's talking about the feminine side of God - but when I read it - it was like a splash of water on my face - that turned into tears.
Often when I am with a woman, I find myself quietly wondering, What is she telling me about God? I know he wants to say something to the world through Eve - what is it? and after years of hearing the heart-cry of women, I am convinced beyond a doubt of this: God wants to be loved. He wants to be a priority to someone. How could we have missed this? From cover to cover, from beginning to end, the cry of God's heart is, "Why won't you choose Me? It is amazing to me how humble, how vulnerble God is on this point. "You will...find me, says the Lord, when you seek me with all your heart" (Jer 29:13) In other words, look for me, pursue me - I want to you to pursue me. Amazing.
Simple right? But I had missed it. I never knew I could relate to God on that level. I know how He feels, I know what its like to long to be the most important person to someone; the yearning for love - the yearning to feel that someone thinks you are beautiful and special. And it broke my heart and made it swell at the same time. I can see the masculine God - the risk-taker, the rescuer, the lover - but I had never really understood Him completely as a friend until I realized the feminine in Him. We broke His heart - I know exactly how that feels. He crys, why don't you love me? What can I do to make you love me? While I've never used those words, everything I do expresses them - I am constantly seeking the love and affection of my husband and my friends -
love me,
love me,
love me.
Crying even now as I hear him, I have done everything, I will do anything - I just want you to love me.
wow. amazing. There is so much more to this - God has put in me clues to who He is, those deep longings are a reflection of His - I will have to ponder this some more, and in the mean-time, lavish God with the kind of love I seek.
Often when I am with a woman, I find myself quietly wondering, What is she telling me about God? I know he wants to say something to the world through Eve - what is it? and after years of hearing the heart-cry of women, I am convinced beyond a doubt of this: God wants to be loved. He wants to be a priority to someone. How could we have missed this? From cover to cover, from beginning to end, the cry of God's heart is, "Why won't you choose Me? It is amazing to me how humble, how vulnerble God is on this point. "You will...find me, says the Lord, when you seek me with all your heart" (Jer 29:13) In other words, look for me, pursue me - I want to you to pursue me. Amazing.
Simple right? But I had missed it. I never knew I could relate to God on that level. I know how He feels, I know what its like to long to be the most important person to someone; the yearning for love - the yearning to feel that someone thinks you are beautiful and special. And it broke my heart and made it swell at the same time. I can see the masculine God - the risk-taker, the rescuer, the lover - but I had never really understood Him completely as a friend until I realized the feminine in Him. We broke His heart - I know exactly how that feels. He crys, why don't you love me? What can I do to make you love me? While I've never used those words, everything I do expresses them - I am constantly seeking the love and affection of my husband and my friends -
love me,
love me,
love me.
Crying even now as I hear him, I have done everything, I will do anything - I just want you to love me.
wow. amazing. There is so much more to this - God has put in me clues to who He is, those deep longings are a reflection of His - I will have to ponder this some more, and in the mean-time, lavish God with the kind of love I seek.
I like efficiency - I really like efficiency. I pride myself on my efficency - if you give me enough time I can tell you the fastest way to get your plans for the day accomplished. It has become my god in many ways. Things should be functional, economical and efficient. And I have always felt God backed me up on this - he is a God of efficiency and order - nothing wasted with him right?
The first chink in my practical armour came from this post by Femina...and again as I was listening to the Bible on CD, God was telling Moses exactly how to make the clothes for the priests and twice he says to make them for glory and for beauty. I was able to accept this - the priests were representatives of Jesus, so it made sense for them to be clad nicely. But I would be much more comfortable if they had work clothes, and the glorious get-up was just for speeches and ceremonies, clean ceremonies. But that doesn't seem to be the case - and I cringed to think about the clothes after even one day in the temple - ashes, animal hair or worse, and blood. I found myself doubting the logic of God in this - doubting his efficiency. When I find myself in a position when I think I could give God advise, I know its time to step back and take a hard look into my own thinking. And this is what I realized - God is extravagant. And I wonder now as I read the Bible how I could have ever missed it ...words like abundant and overflowing and abounding - but I guess it is the tendency of us all to give God our own characteristics.
He is NOT efficient - He cares nothing for efficiency. There is nothing stark about God - He is....the color purple and the scent of the lilacs and streets of gold and very expensive perfume used for feet - every time I read that story I echo the disciples in my mind - what a waste, what a poor use of money...to even spend that much in the first place on perfume .... and my self-righteous voice rolls on and on. And the biggest extravagance of all - a Son, glorious and beautiful, but not created, existing from eternity at the Father's side - sent to earth, covered with the filthy, oiliness of sin and trampled under the feet of filthy sinners.
And I am humbled by God's Extravagant Love. And I am inspired to live an extravegant life - pouring out my own time and love and affection without thoughts of efficency. willing to backtrack if necessary. Willing to lavish my best efforts even if only for an audience of One.
The first chink in my practical armour came from this post by Femina...and again as I was listening to the Bible on CD, God was telling Moses exactly how to make the clothes for the priests and twice he says to make them for glory and for beauty. I was able to accept this - the priests were representatives of Jesus, so it made sense for them to be clad nicely. But I would be much more comfortable if they had work clothes, and the glorious get-up was just for speeches and ceremonies, clean ceremonies. But that doesn't seem to be the case - and I cringed to think about the clothes after even one day in the temple - ashes, animal hair or worse, and blood. I found myself doubting the logic of God in this - doubting his efficiency. When I find myself in a position when I think I could give God advise, I know its time to step back and take a hard look into my own thinking. And this is what I realized - God is extravagant. And I wonder now as I read the Bible how I could have ever missed it ...words like abundant and overflowing and abounding - but I guess it is the tendency of us all to give God our own characteristics.
He is NOT efficient - He cares nothing for efficiency. There is nothing stark about God - He is....the color purple and the scent of the lilacs and streets of gold and very expensive perfume used for feet - every time I read that story I echo the disciples in my mind - what a waste, what a poor use of money...to even spend that much in the first place on perfume .... and my self-righteous voice rolls on and on. And the biggest extravagance of all - a Son, glorious and beautiful, but not created, existing from eternity at the Father's side - sent to earth, covered with the filthy, oiliness of sin and trampled under the feet of filthy sinners.
And I am humbled by God's Extravagant Love. And I am inspired to live an extravegant life - pouring out my own time and love and affection without thoughts of efficency. willing to backtrack if necessary. Willing to lavish my best efforts even if only for an audience of One.
I can hear Adam's voice, filled with wonder and love as he stares at Eve - This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh - and I can hear my husband's voice in my ear as he holds me tight, dread of separation gripping him - Should it be this hard?
Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh
Yes my love, yes it should be this hard.
Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh
Yes my love, yes it should be this hard.
"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of daughtership. And by him we cry, "Abba,Father." Romans 8:15
I have a wonderful father - one who gave so much of himself for his daughter. He provided for me and he taught me who Jesus is - but in my mind the thing I most remember about him is simply the safety of his presence. I was never afraid when he was around, I didn't actually have to see him to feel safe, I just had to know he was there.
I have a wonderful father - one who gave so much of himself for his daughter. He provided for me and he taught me who Jesus is - but in my mind the thing I most remember about him is simply the safety of his presence. I was never afraid when he was around, I didn't actually have to see him to feel safe, I just had to know he was there.
As Jonathan and I were walking home the other day - I saw a little girl out in her front lawn - completely lost in her imagination. She had a small doll with a pretty pink tulle skirt that she was dancing with and talking to. I wished we could have walked by invisibly - I remembered the startle that comes when you realize there are "outsiders" - nothing shoves you sharper into real life than a stranger watching you "play". And she was startled - I just smiled at her then looked away - hoping she could quickly sink back into the world I had ripped her from, although I knew she would now be more aware of the road in front of her and who might be on it.
I saw her and I remembered - almost achingly. I used to spend hours outside - my favorites were windy days - twirling in the breeze - talking to my dolls - my cat - my dog - myself. I can't remember the conversations - even then I knew half the time they didn't make sense, I was just talking and imagining. She was at that -on the verge- age - she has only a short time left of just being a child, soon she will no longer dare to loose herself to that secret world out in the front yard where *gasp* someone might see her. She will slowly loose the inventions of her own mind and will fill it instead with the inventions of others' minds. And all I can say is - just keep twirling little girl - keep twirling - don't worry about what people think - enjoy the breeze and the company of your doll for as long as you can.
I saw her and I remembered - almost achingly. I used to spend hours outside - my favorites were windy days - twirling in the breeze - talking to my dolls - my cat - my dog - myself. I can't remember the conversations - even then I knew half the time they didn't make sense, I was just talking and imagining. She was at that -on the verge- age - she has only a short time left of just being a child, soon she will no longer dare to loose herself to that secret world out in the front yard where *gasp* someone might see her. She will slowly loose the inventions of her own mind and will fill it instead with the inventions of others' minds. And all I can say is - just keep twirling little girl - keep twirling - don't worry about what people think - enjoy the breeze and the company of your doll for as long as you can.
Sometimes I get jealous of the mother blogs I read - I want to blog about my children and show pictures of the cute things they do. But, I don't have children yet, so I figure, duh Jodi, just blog about the people God has put in your life, and so here you are.....
Jonathan gave a piggy back to one, and of course the other wanted one too.
Me and my Zari

Jonathan and Jaedon. Lately Jaedon has taken to stroking Jonathan's head - I think that's what he was just doing when I snapped this - I find it hilarious. (I love his and his sister's "picture smiles" their real smiles are even better.)
Jonathan gave a piggy back to one, and of course the other wanted one too.
Jonathan and Jaedon. Lately Jaedon has taken to stroking Jonathan's head - I think that's what he was just doing when I snapped this - I find it hilarious. (I love his and his sister's "picture smiles" their real smiles are even better.)
I went to get a picture off my camera and realized there were some other fun picks I had forgot about, so ...
This is the yummy carrot cake I made for Jonathan's birthday back in January.
Some small group members enjoying said yummy cake.
The guys talking after small group. I know exactly the tone of voice Jonathan is using in this picture - a little high-pitched and mocking.
These are some Valentine's cupcakes I made. (with a couple of pretty adorable helpers)
This is Nazaria (one of the above mentioned helpers) and Jonathan. We've been spending a lot of time with her and her brother - giving them rides and babysitting for their mother. Jonathan and Zari have developed the sweetest relationship. I love watching them together. The first time she said to him, "Hey friend, I want to talk to you about something" (in an incredibly cute toddler voice) she melted his heart. God help us if we have a little girl, she will have him absolutely at her mercy.

And this is my grand finale - the reason I wanted to get the pictutes off the camera. MY SOCK DRAWER! (cough, cough) yeah, I just wanted to share because it's so fun and colorful - I love my socks.

Zari is not the only little girl who enjoys time with Jonathan. There is no place Lexi would rather be than very, very close to him. He is acually praying on the right, and she decided to keep him company by perching on his back.

And this is my grand finale - the reason I wanted to get the pictutes off the camera. MY SOCK DRAWER! (cough, cough) yeah, I just wanted to share because it's so fun and colorful - I love my socks.