I did something very uncharacteristic last night. There were dishes and laundry to wash, a bathroom to clean, carpet to be vaccumed, left-over unpacking from our trip down South, and a medieval romance to read for class today. I did none of it! Not a single thing. What did I do, I knitted a bootie. Yes "A" as in singular as in ONE bootie. I've been knitting now for an embarrasing amount of time with very little skill to show for it; I've not strayed from the ever-easy scarf. So, I decided I would knit some booties as my next step on the knitting ladder. I wanted to give them to a co-worker whose having a little boy soon. I picked out some beautiful dark blue yarn and found a pattern I was pretty sure I could handle. Well, it was a lovely little bootie but it was the size of a kittens paw...really tiny, I don't know what the person who made that pattern was thinking (because I followed it perfectly). ANYWAY, I found another pattern and decided to give it another go, and characteristically I would have stopped after about the first hour and the forth re-do, but I became absolutely obsessed and I finished it! It's a beautiful little bootie, despite the few obvious flaws. So, my co-workers baby shower was today, and I gave her the one bootie with a promise of another to come and she was very grateful :)
I am torn on how I feel about my actions. On one hand, I neglected chores and homework - causing not a little stress this morning. But, I finished it. It was something hard and I stuck through to the end, which (sorry to say) I rarely do...usually if I'm not pretty good at something in a rather short amount of time - I give up. So, HERE'S TO PERSEVERANCE AND DIRTY DISHES!
I just got back from Alabama and my sister's wedding, and I did not have a chance to even look at a computer much less post a blog. It was a whirlwind trip, and now I'm back and loving sleeping in my own bed again. All in all, it was a good trip...a bittersweet trip. My dear jeep did a great job once again, God has really blessed me with a reliable form of transportation. I got to hang-out with my peeps more than I expected to; I found out my Daddy reads my blog, hi daddy. I got to see my friend, Melanie; I got to run a rehearsal...which I must say, wasn't so bad - oh who am I kidding - I loved it! Why try to hide my freakish tendancies? I got several complements on how smoothly everything went, which of course filled my melancholy heart with joy :) I guess I don't really want to go into the bitter parts, so we'll just leave it with the sweet shall we?
I've always thought I would be a good Queen. I don't know why, and I'm sure there are many people who would disagree with me, never-the-less, I would like the opportunity. And not a figure-head queen, a real one, with a scepter and a crown and
authority. A Queen gets to make gut-feeling decisions based on intuition, she inspires confidence in her people by being calm and steadfast(I can do that), she is never second-guessed, and never accused of being cold or unfriendly - she's a queen for goodness sakes; she can't walk around high-fiving people! Moving on ... I wouldn't be a queen of whimsy though, none of this "off with their heads" business unless absolutely necessary. I am quite good at knowing when I have no idea what I'm doing and need help, I therefore tend to surround myself with very smart and creative people who can think in ways I cannot - a useful trait for a queen, is it not? There are other reasons I am qualified for the position, but I can't explain them, only feel them - and if I were a queen you would just accept that - WOULDN'T YOU? I thought so.
......also known as The Common Cold.
Common symptoms are sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and coughing, muscle aches, fatigue, malaise, headaches, muscle weakness, and loss of appetite. Yep, that's it. Now about this "malaise." def. Malaise is a feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness, an "out of sorts" feeling.
I really couldn't have described it better myself. At this very moment it's raining, well drizzling, outside. I would like nothing better than to walk out of my office, up the stairs (I'm in a basement/1st floor type place), out the doors, past the magnolia tree, and lay down on the sidewalk....just lay there in the rain, students walking all around, just lay there. Malaise.
I thought I'd update you guys on the girlish figure rescue. Well, so far so good I guess. I turned down peanut butter M&Ms...I believe that deserves some appaulse...they are my favorite. I've been eating a big breakfast, and measley vegetable lunch and fruit for supper - I'm pretty much always hungry :) But it's not too bad, and I've never before so looked foward to breakfast. So far, my will power is hanging in there, but there is always food available where I work, ALWAYS, and good food, like today its manicotti, yeah.
So, next I must concentrate on exercise. I have a pretty strong aversion to the gym; I've always pushed through but it's never been permenant because, well I just don't like it. So, I'm trying to find an inexpensive elliptical or treadmill for the apartment, so I can get in shape and still feed my hermit-tendencies :)
As I've mentioned before, I love being married. Unfortunately, being married has not been good for my waistline. I would much rather snuggle than work-out, and if I can snuggle with some tasty food my husband cooks so well...even better. I've decided it must end here! I've gained 10 pounds since I got married...10 pounds!!! That's not easy to loose, but I shall! God help me.
I will keep you updated on my progress.

I went to a superbowl party last night, and it was really fun! I've been to superbowl parties before...ate too much junk food and suffered through the bordom, but this time I actually watched the game. I made my husband explain it to me....non-American though he be, he did a great job. I understood what was going on, and it was really exciting (and I got a lot of knitting done). Apparently it was an exciting game...not all are. I love close-up shots of the players...I like speculating on their personalities. My favorite player of last night was Larry Fitzgerald, the wide receiver for the Cardinals (hear my football vocabulary, oh yeah). He has kind eyes and an intelligent face and an amazing athletic body. I felt so sorry for him when they lost right at the last minute.
So, I'm not going so far as to say I like football, but I would not be adverse to watching an occasional game. Of course I would decide this now that the season's over :)