I really want a child...my own child. It's a new feeling and quite strong and completely impractical. My husband and I are both students...we have just enough money to feed ourselves...we live in a small one-bedroom apartment. These are just the temporal and situational considerations, now lets take a look at me. I like to be able to go where I want - when I want, I don't like to carry around a lot of things (i.e. strollers, diaper bags, etc.), I get more than a little irritated when I can't sleep through the night, I don't do well with sick things, I enjoy long periods of absolute silence, I feel entitled to lazy Sunday mornings, I complain about housework and there are only two of us to clean-up after. And yet......I really want a new little person in the world, my child.
This morning when my hubby and I woke up he tells me he saw a mouse earlier in the morning...in the corner of the kitchen. First of all you must understand my husbands, well lets not say "fear", let's say "discomfort" with mice. He grew up in London, so maybe it's distant subconcious memories of the plague...I don't know. You've never seen a funnier sight than to see my husband even think he hears a mouse....I can see the "discomfort" sweep over his face. To his credit, he takes full responsibility for getting rid of any strange creatures in the house, despite his discomfort :) Anyway, so we get up and I hear his tense voice say "it's still there, do you think it's sick or ....gulp dead?" So I come over to take a look...non too comforted myself, and as I look closer I realize it is a popped balloon (left overs from his b'day)...I smile sweetly at him, tell him it's a balloon and go about my business. Next think I know he has the swiffer out and it trying to poke it with the handle.....he then exclaims frustrated, "that's a mouse!" I go over and reach down to pick up the BALLOON and he grabs me back heroically. By this time I'm laughing pretty hard, so I grab the end of the swiffer to show him and he grabs that from me to...so eventually, me laughing...him scolding we, together, sweep the PURPLE POPPED BALLOON into the middle of the kitchen. whew, it was great fun.
But, we do actually have a mouse in our apartment. I've heard it and Jonathan did actually see it running one night. I have no idea how it got in, we are on the second floor, but never-the-less it is there. At first Jonathan said we would get a humane trap and then drive it off at least 10 miles and dump it out....so it would not find its way back of course. :) Well, now he wants me to look up on the internet how mice survive in the winter becuase he's worried about it. He thinks maybe this is its first winter and it doesn't now how to find food and so it found our house where it stays nice and warm. He is haunted by the idea that this poor little mouse will freeze out in the snow. He even suggested we leave some food out for it! Oh, my husband is so sweet. So, if anyone knows anything about the habits of little mice in the winter...feel free to let me know so I can set his mind at ease, and still get the mouse out of my apartment :)
But, we do actually have a mouse in our apartment. I've heard it and Jonathan did actually see it running one night. I have no idea how it got in, we are on the second floor, but never-the-less it is there. At first Jonathan said we would get a humane trap and then drive it off at least 10 miles and dump it out....so it would not find its way back of course. :) Well, now he wants me to look up on the internet how mice survive in the winter becuase he's worried about it. He thinks maybe this is its first winter and it doesn't now how to find food and so it found our house where it stays nice and warm. He is haunted by the idea that this poor little mouse will freeze out in the snow. He even suggested we leave some food out for it! Oh, my husband is so sweet. So, if anyone knows anything about the habits of little mice in the winter...feel free to let me know so I can set his mind at ease, and still get the mouse out of my apartment :)

My Best Friend
My best friend has brown hair that curls into perfectly poetics twists that are lovely to behold. Her eyes change colors, very cool, sometimes light brown sometimes green. She smells like fabric softner...the expensive kind. She is incredibly short, but doesn't like for me to mention it:) We met 14 years ago on a school bus. She likes to talk and I like to listen to her...I love to listen to her tell me about movies she's seen; I find it more satisfing than watching the movie. She makes me laugh a lot, and sometimes I make her laugh which makes me feel like I've won an award. She lets me do whatever I want...no questions asked. She trusts me. She creates beautiful, interesting things....with both her words and her hands. She loves. She loves animals, books, ideas, flip-flops, water, and mostly people. She cries when I cry. God sent her to me and without her I would....not be me.
The End
I enjoy being married. Really enjoy it. My very favorite part of the whole day is laying down at night with my husband and intertwinning our arms and legs and talking, and then sleeping. This moment of everyday has become my talisman.... if I ever start feeling antagonistic towards him and feel an arguement coming on...I just think of those few minutes before sleep and decide nothing is worth possibly interrupting them.
And we talk all the time...I mean constantly talk....talking, talking, talking. Well, he's usually talking and I'm listening, but I love listening and not so much talking so it works out perfectly.
Tuesday was our 6 month wedding anniversary. We ate sandwiches and chili, watched Mary Tyler Moore and went to sleep at 9:00 (don't judge, it was an extremely long day). We still don't have routines, it seems like everyday we take a different route, except for at night when we crawl in the bed...snuggling and talking.....marriage is good.
I feel like, if I type in really large font I could maybe hear an echo.
Yeah, now that I've tested that theory...let's talk about linguistics. Did you know that originally all the letters in "knight" were pronounced k-n-i-g-h-t, it's marvellous!! Don't you think? I am taking a graduate class called Medieval Romance, and yesterday was a great class...I was throwing out opinions, asking poinant questions and generally discussing like nobodies buisness. It was a scholarly show of prowess I'm telling you. ahhhhhh, education is good.
I'm a terrible geek. Yesterday I meet with a freshman I know who is on academic probation, so she needs some help getting organized...organized I can do, so we met and I helped her fill in a calander with due dates. Almost every class syllabus we looked at made me exclaim, "I wish I were taking this class!" My dear husband found me ridiculous, he likes to learn too, he is actually one of those amazing thinkers who can learn just by breathing. But GIVE ME A CLASSROOM...with a teacher who lectures.... and notebooks....and pens...and homework.....o.k. I'm fine now. Good day everyone.